My wife and I enjoy taking drives in the country, sometimes we have a destination, usually we just have a general location. I think this trip in May 2023 was just one of those random trips, where we were just making random turns. One of those random turns put us on Woodbourne Road in Halifax county, Virginia.
What We Saw on Woodbourne Road
We found this building, on Woodbourne Road in Halifax County. We were not sure if it was a school, or a church, we were pretty sure it was not original a house. It looked in rough shape, in serious need of some love.
Recently, I was looking through my archives and came across these pictures from May 2020. I could not remember exactly where this was, so I pulled it up on Google Maps, and was pleasantly shocked to see it in great condition.

I have dug everywhere I know, but cannot find anything about when it was built, or what it was built for. I think next time I will head to the Halifax County Historical society, and see if I can find any information there.
Current Condition
On out last visit 3 plus years ago, this building looked to be on its last legs, I think the biggest thing it had going for it was that the roof appeared to be in good shape and it stayed dry inside. Once the roof goes, it’s over and done with, as with the nearby Mt Bethel Baptist church (Link to Follow)
New paint (vinyl siding), windows, all the overgrown plants and weeds cut back, even the original porch lights cleaned up. We could see that the focus has now moved to the interior, and no I did not take any pictures through the windows, I never do if there is the slightest possibility that the building is occupied.
The Future?
I will have to return, to see what the future has in store for this building, will it become a church, or maybe school, or community center.
We come across so many buildings like this one we found on Woodbourne Road, and I always wonder, is this the last time this building will be intentionally photographed?